Entries by verso

How Long Should You Keep Your Statements?

A year? Seven years? It depends. You have probably heard that you should retain copies of your federal tax returns for 7 years. Is that true, or a just myth? How long should you keep those quarterly and annual statements you get about your investment accounts? And how long should you keep bank statements before […]

An Estate Planning Checklist

Things to check and double-check before you leave this world Estate planning is a task that people tend to put off, as any discussion of “the end” tends to be off-putting. However, those who leave this world without their financial affairs in good order risk leaving their heirs some significant problems along with their legacies. […]

Impact Investing (Socially Responsible Investing)

Allocating your assets with the goal of helping the world … and your portfolio “Do well by doing good.” You’ve probably heard that phrase. In the financial arena, it is often written or spoken in reference to impact investing – also known as socially responsible investing. A chance to be an activist. Maybe you don’t […]

Guidelines for Changing Your Name

Changing Your Name Steps 1-4 should be completed in order Step One: Obtain a Certified Marriage Certificate Step Two: Social Security Card: Go to any Social Security office with the following items: Application for a Social Security Card Marriage Certificate Maiden Name on Social Security Card Maiden Name Photo ID Step Three: License/Voter Registration/Car Registration: […]

Should You Apply for Social Security Now or Later?

When should you apply for benefits? Consider a few factors first Now or later? When it comes to the question of Social Security income, the choice looms large. Should you apply now to get earlier payments? Or wait for a few years to get larger checks? Consider what you know (and don’t know). You know […]

Should You Pay Off Your Home Before Retiring?

Before you make any extra mortgage payments, consider some factors Should you own your home free and clear before you retire? At first glance, the answer would seem to be “absolutely, if at all possible.” Retiring with less debt … isn’t that a good thing? Why not make a few extra mortgage payments to get […]